Regarding the impact on society of the PPGCTA, the total production in the corresponding parameters, associated with the respective professors with and without the participation of students, reveals the effort to improve the productivity of the PPGCTA and different forms of collaboration with society with regard to food science and technology.

Among the productions, aimed at innovating in intellectual production, there is the generation of patent filing requests and academic awards for scientific merit, involving PPGCTA professors and students. Other productions were provided to generate economic, social and cultural impact, including intellectual productions and initiatives by PPGCTA professors with extension projects and technical services through lectures, interviews and short courses.

Given the scope of actions and productions, at the local, regional, national and international levels, and with activities that contribute to social inclusion. It should be noted that by generating knowledge and enabling skills through training, it is possible to improve the provision of services in society and the search for better offers in view of the demand of a more informed population about food. Advances in this direction, while seeking a better visibility of the PPGCTA, allow, therefore, mutual benefits between PPGCTA and society, in addition to impact on local and regional development.

Some activities of permanent teachers were carried out with elementary school in the period between 2017 and 2020, among which the following activities can be cited:

1- PPGCTA students participate annually in the profession fair, an event promoted by UFRPE, promoting the PPGCTA. With these actions, the PPGCTA disseminates knowledge about food, food and health to children and young people in basic education who will be multipliers in their families. In addition, they provide master's students with innovative experiences that will enrich knowledge and promote training, enabling them to perform better in future functions.

2- Extension project, under the coordination of Profa. Maria Inês S. Maciel developed in an interface with Basic Education, in 2017 - with the title "FOOD LABELS AND HEALTHY FOOD" executed by two (2) undergraduate students and one master's student Marcony Edson da Silva Júnior, at the public school Reference in High School Prof. Alfredo Freyre and the private school - Colégio Nossa Senhora da Conceição (Marista), located in the neighborhood of Apipucos in the city of Recife/PE. During the year 112 high school students participated in the project. With this action, the PPGCTA disseminates knowledge about processed foods, how to understand the labeling of these products and how to make a better choice of foods to have good nutrition and health. These young people, from basic education, will be multipliers in their families. In addition, this project provides master's students with innovative experiences. In 2020, the execution of this project was again approved by UFRPE, with funding, but it cannot be executed due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. It is suspended and scheduled to run in March 2022, with the aim of expanding to other schools, public and private.

3- Extension project, coordinated by Prof. Emmanuela Paiva, entitled “FRACTION WITH GOOD ALIMENTATION” held in 2020 in partnership with Caio Pereira Elementary School. It should be noted that this project was developed in a multidisciplinary action on a virtual platform using the content of “fraction” mathematics in the presentation of the composition of foods and dishes. This project was submitted to the Teacher Note 10 contest of the Recife Norte Regional Management in October/2020, and won 1st place in the group of early childhood education and early years of elementary school.

In 2017, a course contracted by the company AGRODAN and given by prof. Maria Inês S. Maciel on Processing and conservation of mango products, as well as a consultancy. AGRODAN is the largest mango exporter in Brazil - Belém de São Francisco - PE. There was the participation of a PIBIC student. This course was requested to make better use of surplus mango production that did not meet the sales quality standard for export of fresh fruit.

Since 2010, professor Luciana Arruda has partnered with companies in the São Francisco Valley Region and in the integrated Administrative Region for the development of Polo Petrolina and Juazeiro, highlighting the activities with the associations Vale export and Vinho Vasp and Vinculas Santa Maria and Feito Ouro, resulting in technology transfer and publication of technical articles.


As for the extension activities carried out:

1- Annually, (2017, 2018, 2019. In 2020, due to the Covid-19 Pandemic) there was no educational activity in the Department of Domestic Sciences, currently the Department of Consumer Sciences, which is characterized as an "Educational Hazing" to receive new students from the Home Economics and Consumer Sciences Course with the title "The importance of washing your hands", developed by master's students and scientific initiation scholarship holders, under the coordination of professor Maria Inês Sucupira Maciel with the participation of her advisees PPGCTA and its PIBIC students. This project aims to inform about the importance of hand hygiene, in a theoretical way, with a "power point" presentation made by a master's student and the practical activity in which freshmen get their hands dirty with washable paint and then go wash your hands by reproducing the seven steps.

2- Project "Corrente do bem UFPE Vitória: Educate to win", under the coordination of profa. Erilane de Castro Lima Machado, in the period between 2016 and 2018, and whose target audience was: merchants and consumers of coalho cheese at fairs in the municipality of Vitória de Santo Antão/PE, undergraduate nutrition students from UFPE-CAV and from PPGCTA, Merielly Saeli de Santana and Juliana de Oliveira Costa . In addition to training people, this project aimed to improve the hygienic and sanitary quality in the sale and consumption of coalho cheeses in the city of Vitória de Santo Antão/PE.

Among the artisanal dairy products consumed in the Northeast, the coalho cheese stands out for its volume of production, appreciation by consumers and economic importance for the Northeast of Brazil, being strongly associated with the cuisine of the region and normally produced by small artisan cheese factories or small rural agro-industrial establishment or by a small dairy factory, mainly in the dairy basin located in the southern countryside. Therefore, it is a relevant product for the local economy, and the State of Pernambuco, considering historical, cultural and socio-economic characteristics, through State Ordinance No. 007, of January 4, 2018, regulates the production of artisanal coalho cheese, manufactured from raw milk, by traditional manufacturing technology, with or without selected milk bacteria. It is a medium to high moisture cheese, with a fat content in total solids between 35.0% and 60.0% and that must be normally marketed within 10 days after manufacture, not being matured and when prepared to from raw milk. And, for its conservation and sale, it must be kept at a temperature no higher than 10ºC. In this way, it is a perishable product and susceptible to microbial multiplication, which can be aggravated by the use of unpasteurized milk of poor quality, so the lack of adequate hygienic sanitary practices in production and marketing, also alerts to the risk of this product being vehicle of diseases.

3- Extension project approved in Public Notice 2020-01 – Public Notice for Accreditation of Extension Programs and Projects, entitled “Actions to fight Covid: Production and Distribution of 70% alcohol for the community at UFPE and outside the Campus”. Profa. Andrelina Maria Pinheiro Santos, as vice-coordinator and an alumnus Ursula Tereza Cordeiro Coutinho. Target audience: consists of various segments of society on and off campus. Alcohol production aims to help municipal, state and federal health institutions, such as health departments, hospitals, blood centers, maternity hospitals, death verification service, scientific police, among others. Another segment to be covered in this action are charities, non-governmental organizations, religious institutions, terreiros, etc. A third and, as important as the previous ones, the UFPE, and all the sectors that compose it.

4- Extension project carried out annually (2017, 2018 and 2019) in the week between March 15th, for the commemoration of "Consumer's Day", as well as in October on the week of the 16th, commemoration of "World Food Day ”, PPGCTA students and PIBIC scholarship holders from Profa. Maria Inês Sucupira Maciel participates, along with groups from the Consumer Network, linked to the Public Ministry of Pernambuco, of which the Professor is part. In this activity, there is the distribution of folders and informational booklets on the reading of the Food Labeling and also folders for the dissemination of the PPGCTA, in points of great circulation, such as subway stations and public squares. Understanding food labels is a public health strategy to promote adequate and healthy eating. Food labeling, especially nutritional labeling, can strengthen and expand the individual's autonomy to make healthy and conscientious food choices, as it represents an instrument capable of providing knowledge and behavioral change.