Regarding internationalization activities, the PPGCTA needs to carry out intensive work with its professors to seek new national or international partners. As it only has a master's degree, the PPGCTA is not part of the CAPES PrInt program at UFRPE, as only doctoral students could have PDSE scholarships and for being a grade 3 at CAPES.
Even so, students and professors can indirectly benefit from the internationalization actions of UFRPE Programs, as all international actions are open to all UFRPE professors and students. In this way, the coordination will encourage the internationalization of professors and the participation of students in the activities developed at the institution. It is known that scientific production improves a lot with the participation of international partners, that is, articles with international collaboration have a much higher number of citations and the quality of journals is also superior.
All Special Visiting Researchers (PVE) who will come to UFRPE through the CAPES Print program must teach courses, so PPGCTA students will be encouraged to participate in these courses in English to improve the training of students and foster international partnerships with teachers. All these actions can also generate postdoctoral opportunities abroad for professors. For the actions of internationalization to happen in the short term, the new professors who joined in 2021, many have strong National and International partners and a profile of publishing articles in international journals.