The Post-Graduate Program in Food Science and Technology (PGCTA), is structured in the area of concentration of Food Science and Technology, and aims mainly at the study of fruits from native plants, tropical fruits, vegetables, fish, meat , poultry, dairy products, among others.


The program's research lines are:


Science of food raw materials and agro-industrial residues.

Development of food products and processes of plant, animal and microbial origin.

PPGCTA Thematic Projects

Bioactive and functional properties of food and agro-industrial residues;

Study of stability, bioavailability and quality of bioactive compounds and food products;

Development of new products, processes and bioprocesses;

Application of thermal and non-thermal processes to obtain high quality fruit.


Description of lines of research:

1. Science of food raw materials and agro-industrial residues Physical, chemical, physicochemical and sensory characterization of raw materials, food products and their agro-industrial residues. Use of agro-industrial residues to extract bioactive compounds and to obtain new products. Characterization of compounds with functional properties for food application. Analytical methodology for determination of nutrients, additives, or chemical and microbiological contaminants. Investigations associated with food safety. Development and characterization of ingredients or additives for the food and beverage industry.

2. Development of plant, animal and microbial food products and processes. Food processing of plant, animal, microbial and agro-industrial residues and their alterations. Optimization of processes and bioprocesses. Development and characterization of new products with functional, nutritional and/or technological appeal. Study of sensory characteristics using affective, descriptive methods and new sensory methodologies. Elaboration of biodegradable films with active ingredients.